SDN NFV Considerations For Customers

What is NFV?

Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is an alternative design approach for building complex IT applications, particularly in the telecommunications and service provider industries, that virtualizes entire classes of function into building blocks that may be connected, or chained, together to create services.

Various NFV Use Cases

Below are some sample NFV use cases can be evaluated and implemented: 1. virtual Provider Edge (vPE)
2. virtual Customer Premise Equipment (vCPE)
3. virtual Security
4. virtual Router
5. virtual BNG
6. Service Chaining
7. virtual Packet Core

What Does All This Mean For Customer?

NFV should be viewed as a transformative technology for Customer. The potential applicability for NFV solutions, as well as potential benefits, are almost endless:
Start Farm as a Consumer of NFV Solutions and Services – There is little doubt that Service Provider offerings will be changing dramatically in the coming years and what used to be table stakes for incumbent Tier 1 TELCOs, Cable MSOs and other traditional providers will be up for grabs. Traditional providers realize this and are moving quickly to embrace SDN, NFV and other disruptive technologies. The end result will be increased competition in the market and downward pressure on pricing. Customer should look to partner with traditional SPs (or other SPs) on innovative NFV based product and service offerings while keeping in mind the potential barriers for successful technology adoption.


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