What Is Edge Computing And Why It Matters

In addition, some governments or customers may require that data remain in the jurisdiction where it was created. In healthcare, for example, there may even be local or regional requirements to limit the storage or transmission of personal data. In this worst-case world, you wake up in the morning and ask Alexa Siri Cortana Assistant what is edge computing with example what features your corporate overlords have pushed to your toaster, dishwasher, car, and phone overnight. Almost any technology that’s applicable to the latency problem is applicable to the bandwidth problem. Running AI on a user’s device instead of all in the cloud seems to be a huge focus for Apple and Google right now.

Moving a certain portion of jobs to the periphery results in higher bandwidth and lower latency compared to frameworks built around remote centralized servers. The code that makes this trade possible is lightweight and event-driven, making it a good use case for serverless. And because it’s highly sensitive to latency, it’s an especially good use case for edge serverless. After all, the engineers are attempting to make the “real time-ness” of the real time bidding platform as accurate as possible. Edge computing is often used in conjunction with the Internet of Things , but it is also beneficial for corporate workloads running onvirtual machinesorcontainers. At StackPath, however, we deal with the “infrastructure edge” or “cloud edge” which is what will be discussed in this article.

  • It helps the manufacturer to make accurate and faster business decisions on operations and the factory.
  • As mentioned above, intelligent traffic management systems will play a key role the adoption of autonomous vehicles, where near-zero latency is critical.
  • The most important part of edge technology is that it’s a form of distributed computing.
  • The prospect of moving so much data in situations that can often be time- or disruption-sensitive puts incredible strain on the global internet, which itself is often subject to congestion and disruption.
  • Scalability – a combination of local data centers and dedicated devices can expand computational resources and enable more consistent performance.

The analysis of consumer data at the edge, for example, reveals trends, associations, and patterns that may aid in business growth, such as bettering existing products or exploring a new market theme. Performing side-channel analysis to detect unusual system behaviors or timing delays) and thus identify installation of malicious hardware or software at the edge. Again, everything comes down to experts able to set up the automation across networks.

Security Assessments & Readiness

Data from numerous edge computing devices can be consolidated in the cloud for more extensive processing and analysis. Although edge computing provides an unprecedented opportunity for organizations to unlock the value in data, the cloud remains essential as a central data repository and processing center. The image below shows how edge devices for gathering data, computing, storage, and networking combine to help organizations make the most of data at each point.

what is edge computing with example

And the data that is retained must be protected in accordance with business and regulatory policies. Some examples include retail environments where video surveillance of the showroom floor might be combined with actual sales data to determine the most desirable product configuration or consumer demand. Other examples involve predictive analytics that can guide equipment maintenance and repair before actual defects or failures occur. Still other examples are often aligned with utilities, such as water treatment or electricity generation, to ensure that equipment is functioning properly and to maintain the quality of output. Take a comprehensive look at what edge computing is, how it works, the influence of the cloud, edge use cases, tradeoffs and implementation considerations.

Noc Management

It presents both a network security concern and an opportunity to speed up processing closer to—or within—devices at the edge. For building, deploying, and managing container-based applications across any infrastructure or cloud, including private and public datacenters or edge locations, choose Red Hat® OpenShift®. It’s a container-centric, high-performance, enterprise-grade Kubernetes environment. Edge computing is one way that a company can use and distribute a common pool of resources across a large number of locations to help scale centralized infrastructure to meet the needs of increasing numbers of devices and data. And as advanced as digital tech gets, hardware stubbornly remains beholden to physical conditions. Examples include the fan in your laptop or complex chilled water or oil systems in large-scale data centers.

what is edge computing with example

The physical architecture of the edge can be complicated, but the basic idea is that client devices connect to a nearby edge module for more responsive processing and smoother operations. Edge devices can include IoT sensors, an employee’s notebook computer, their latest smartphone, security cameras or even the internet-connected microwave oven in the office break room. Rugged edge computers are deployed as IoT gateways for smart agriculture applications.


Centrally, cloud brings data together to create new analytics and applications, which can be distributed on the edge — residing on-site or with the customer. That, in turn, generates more data that feeds back into the cloud to optimize the experience. Some processes require real-time processing to perform their most basic functions.

Real-time insights enable predictive maintenance and improve emergency response times. Other customers are oil and gas wells and water distribution facilities that use Cisco software to remotely control their equipment and prevent leaks and breakdowns. A free operating system for microcontroller units , FreeRTOS links MCU-based sensors and actuators directly to the cloud or more powerful edge devices running Greengrass. Edge locations, on the other hand, are strategically placed in city hubs to reduce this distance and, ultimately, the latency that end users experience.

In many edge computing use cases, industries have not yet settled on one standard for key pieces of the technology stack. This makes it difficult to achieve interoperability, and it exposes organizations to the risk that they might bet on a technology that soon becomes obsolete. This is the most practical solution, as time is of the essence in these critical systems.

StarlingX 7.0 Delivers Enhanced Scalability, Security, Flexibility as Commercial Adoptions of Edge Cloud Platform Soar – PR Web

StarlingX 7.0 Delivers Enhanced Scalability, Security, Flexibility as Commercial Adoptions of Edge Cloud Platform Soar.

Posted: Tue, 13 Sep 2022 15:07:14 GMT [source]

Known patterns like “toothbrushes and toothpaste being bought together” then go to the central cloud and further optimize the system. Learn how Intel is enabling a more intelligent Internet of Things to help organizations turn data into actionable insights. How edge enablers like 5G and digital twins are driving the future of cloud, at the edge. Accenture’s Jennifer McLaughlin and Teresa Tung discuss how 5G, edge and cloud will impact all industries in the coming decade.

What Is The Relationship Between 5g And Edge Computing?

The attack surface also gets bigger whenever the company adds a new piece of equipment. Incloud computing, all data operations happen at a centralized location. We explain what edge computing is, discuss potential use cases, and show how this technology leads to cheaper and more reliable data processing. Scaling out your edge computing network requires you to deploy new hardware. That is generally more difficult than scaling in a cloud computing environment.

Fueled by a passion for cutting-edge IT, he found a home at phoenixNAP where he gets to dissect complex tech topics and break them down into practical, easy-to-digest articles. Our article abouthealthcare cybersecurity threatsoutlines the most common dangers within this high-risk industry. The illustration below presents a more detailed architecture and shows components relevant to each edge node.

In edge computing, data is processed on the devices physically attached to the sensors. In StackPath’s edge computing environment, all the necessary networking, security, computing, and storage equipment for developing applications is available at 45 different edge locations around the world. Each site is connected by a private network backbone, allowing data to travel over long distances to other StackPath locations21% fasterthan if it had to travel across the public Internet.

FortiNAC also gives you the ability to automate how your system responds to threats. In this way, you can prevent the east-west movement of threats once they are detected. With FortiNAC’s automation policies, you can custom-design how you respond to different types of threats, enabling you to maintain a more secure network without compromising uptime. Ensure edge sites continue to operate in the event of network failures. Address the needs of different edge tiers that have different requirements, including the size of the hardware footprint, challenging environments, and cost. Physical security of edge sites is often much lower than that of core sites.

Edge computing makes possible a number of mobile devices that wouldn’t otherwise be available to end users. Consumer demand for “smart” products continues to rise, and these products rely on edge computing. The myriad of complex sensory technologies involved in autonomous vehicles require massive bandwidth and real-time parallel computing capabilities.

Despite the name, this edge layer can run either as an in-house data center or in the cloud. Edge computing solves this problem by bringing processing closer to the device that generates data. Data does not need to travel to a central server for processing, so there areno latency or bandwidth issues.

It helps you deploy mini server rooms on lightweight hardware all over the world and is built for workloads requiring long-term stability and security services on hundreds of certified hardware, software, cloud, and service providers. Cloud service providers have used services built for a specific purpose closer to the users to optimize specific functions such as content delivery. Some refer loosely to Content Delivery Networks and caching services as a cloud edge; however, they were not built to host general-purpose workloads. While the initial attempts were focused on caching and content delivery, newer services such as local zones redefine cloud edge.

Edge devices are used to instantly convey data regarding the vital signs of patients, allowing doctors and nurses to make important decisions quickly and with accurate information. In the old days, we had one big, central machine that people logged in to in order to take advantage of computational power. Users would connect to this central device and use it to perform tasks and then disconnect. Red Hat offers a powerful portfolio of technologies that extends and complements its open hybrid cloud platforms to manage and scale your hybrid cloud environments.

Edge computing can reduce network costs, avoid bandwidth constraints, reduce transmission delays, limit service failures, and provide better control over the movement of sensitive data. Load times are cut and online services deployed closer to users enable both dynamic and static caching capabilities. Content delivery networks deploy data servers close to where the users are, allowing busy websites to load quickly, and supporting fast video-streaming services.

Edge computing, as the name implies, is designed to power applications, data use and computing services at the edge of a network – regardless of where that edge is located. Digi Professional Services can support organizations in the implementation of virtually any edge computing use case, with everything from Python coding and BASH scripting to device configuration and on-site deployment services. Edge computing solutions equipped with artificial intelligence and machine learning can identify outlier data so that medical professionals can respond to health needs in real time with a minimum of false alarms. Intelligent lighting controls use edge computing devices to control individual lights or groups of lights to maximize efficiency while ensuring safety in public spaces. In EV charging stations, edge computing can support real time monitoring and data aggregation of a range of usage and availability metrics to support optimization of charging stations and planning for placement of future stations. In the past, the promise of cloud and AI was to automate and speed innovation by driving actionable insight from data.

Edge computing puts storage and servers where the data is, often requiring little more than a partial rack of gear to operate on the remote LAN to collect and process the data locally. In many cases, the computing gear is deployed in shielded or hardened enclosures to protect the gear from extremes of temperature, moisture and other environmental conditions. Processing often involves normalizing and analyzing the data stream to look for business intelligence, and only the results of the analysis are sent back to the principal data center.


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