Pseudowire emulation aka PWE3 that emulates the attributes of service over packet switched network (PSN). Pseudo means no physical existence only virtual. By using pseudowire, service provider can emulate any circuit end to end. E.g. if customer is looking for TDM bandwidth end to end, but SP is having a packet core network but no TDM backhaul, in that case pseudowire help SP to deliver end to end circuit which uses packet core network and provide TDM drop to customers. This is the case where in both termination points are having same output but in case of different output like one side Ethernet and another side frame-relay or atm, the best is to provision inter network circuit.
Types of Pseudowire
1. CESoPSN:- Circuit Emulation over Packer Switched Network supports framed and channelized TDM services over packet switched network.
2. SAToP:- Structure Agnostic TDM over Packet, is a TDM Pseudowire technology which treats the TDM traffic as data traffic and ignore the framing bits. It supports unframed TDM services.