Types Of Docker Installations

Before moving ahead, we need to understand the few definitions which are utmost required to get better understanding of containers. The definitions are below mentioned:
Container OS: The container OS is also known as Base OS. It refers to an image that contains an operating system like windows, centos etc.

Container Host: Container host is also known as Host OS. In the case of Linux and non-Hyper-V containers, the Host OS shares its kernel with running Docker containers.

Operating System Kernel: The Kernel manages lower level functions such as memory management, file system, network and process scheduling.

Container can be deployed in three different ways as below mentioned: If someone known apart that, please share your comment will edit the post accordingly. 1. Install Docker On Linux Machine 2. Install Docker On Windows Machine Without Hyper-V 3. Install Docker On Windows Machine With Hyper-V
Install Docker On Linux Machine

As shown in the above figure:
1. Host OS is ubuntu.
2. Each Container Shares The Host Kernal
3. Container Without OS image doesn’t require base OS image to run container. You can use scratch to create containers.
4. WithOS image is nothing but a Linux OS Base Image


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