Important Points to be discussed with Partner / Customer on NNI Meeting:
This document is forwarded to me by one of my friend. It is considering the Scenario as 2nd Service Provider & Ist Service Provider as Partners and there comes the Business Requirement to commission the NNI between the Partners Network.
1.Scope of NNI
Understand the Business Requirement and Scope of the Business to go for NNI
Check with Business Team for some Agreement Documents
a)Physical Part
It means “who reaches whom”
2nd Service Provider drops the NNI cable to Ist Service Provider office (or) the vice versa
The Partner who is going to drop the cable will bear the COST
a)Technical (in Technical Perspective)
How to connect on Physical Layer
RACK Position
X – Connect between Partner ASBR and SELF ASBR
Whether the ASBR are going to be co-located. In this case, the scenario is, if the NNI is going to be @ US – NY. 2nd Service Provider & Ist Service Provider doesn’t have the Office @ US. The ASBR Routers are going to be co-located @ different building. Analyze the “REMOTE HANDS-ON” who is going to support on this ASBR (in terms of Layer1 activity, IOS Upgrade, Card Insertion, etc.,).
Again the cost involved in Remote-Hand-on and how the same is going to be out-sourced.
Another Scenario, one of the Partner 2nd Service Provider / Ist Service Provider has office @ US – NY means the other partners ASBR can be co-located in the partner’s office itself. This will reduce the cost involved for remote-hands-on.
2.Type (in Business Perspective)
Media Type of the NNI (STM – 1, DS – 3 Circuit or others)
Required Infra to use the Media & others
Long-term (or) Short Team NNI Connectivity
Volume of Customers that are going to be on the NNI
3.Option of NNI (in Technical Perspective)
a)Option A
b)Option B
c)Option C
Note: Refer RFC for more details about the NNI Options.
More Information:
QOS Type
A QOS is scalable. The QOS can be applied per Customer Basis. Ingress Mechanism can be used.
B / C Only RATE-LIMIT is possible
4.Redundancy in NNI
Location Determination
Gateway (The Primary & Secondary NNI landing points are to be determined. The Primary NNI should land on MUM NOC and the Secondary NNI should land on DEL NOC. The both are to be ultimately different in terms of Metro / Inter-city Cable connectivity and others).
Cable System (FYI, the SMEW4 & SME3 cable systems are even though different they both inter-connect at some point. This includes again a single point of failure. More precautions has to be taken care, the Primary & Secondary NNI are via two uniquely different Cable Systems).
PATH Determination (How the traffic is going to exit out of the Country)
5.QOS Marking Exchange
Discuss with Partner and determine the QOS Marking Exchanges over NNI
Case, 2nd Service Provider will use Precedence and Ist Service Provider may use DSCP values for their own company standards
Check with the Partner and do the respective values locally. For eg: For Voice 2nd Service Provider will use IP Precedence of 5. Similarly, identify the equally available value in terms of DSCP and match @ Ist Service Provider end.
In addition, understand the partners Business Terminology on providing the Services to the Customers
Case, 2nd Service Provider Terminology is Platinum, Gold, Silver and Others. Ist Service Provider Terminology may be, Gold, Silver, Others
Ist Service Provider’s GOLD and 2nd Service Provider’s PLATINUM may not be the same. But Ist Service Provider’s SILVER and 2nd Service Provider’s GOLD may be the same
The point involves more understanding on Business Perspective. Eg: Consider a Customer coming over NNI. 2nd Service Provider’s GOLD and Ist Service Provider’s SILVER may be matching in terms of Terminology & Services Level. Here Ist Service Provider providing SILVER based and 2nd Service Provider Providing GOLD based Service make more sense rather than 2nd Service Provider providing PLATINUM Service. The same is applicable vice versa.
What is SKA?
The Concept here is, you give me the traffic and I give you the traffic
The concepts doesn’t involve any COST
Note: Going back to Point:
2. Customer
The COST of NNI will be bared by the Customer itself because it’s the Customers interest to connect for Business Requirement.
Nevertheless, rest all other points are common in-terms of Agreement.