In this test lab core consists of 3 routers which are running MPLS with 2 as provider edge routers and one as provider router. Two different VPNs are connected from PE1 and PE2 routers. Both different VPNs has different QOS requirement and to meet the service level aggrements different class of service profiles have been created on PE routers. But the core is running with four type of class of services. So what ever the packets are coming from customers are checked according to the profile created on edge router and are forwarding in the core according to the class of services defined. I have shown the one way communiaction, but in real network bi directional quality of service requires. So it could be enabled but not shown in the given test lab. The QOS policies are mapped according to the high level diagram shown in previous post.
I have used the type of services to mark the packets from the customer routers and same has been checked with the help of ip accounting precedence command on remote CE routers.
Below is the config shown for the core routers with the policies defined for customers:-