Datawind, the maker of the low cost tablet Aakash, has started selling the device online from today. Retailing at Rs. 2,500/-, it is currently the most reasonably priced tablet in the Indian market. What’s more, Datawind has made it extremely easy for users to get their hands on Aakash. The company promises to deliver the tablet to buyers within seven days and accepts cash on delivery. That way, users don’t have to pay online when they book the tablet on
Aakash is powered by an Arm 11 – 366 MHz microprocessor and runs on Android’s 2.2 Froyo operating system. A 2100 mAh battery supports the tablet. Aakash weighs 350g and measures 7’’. It offers 256MB of RAM and has a resistive touch screen with a resolution of 800 x 480p. Its 2GB Flash internal storage is expandable externally up to 32GB. Connectivity wise, Aakash works on Wi-Fi networks. The tablet is perfect for those who desire everything a basic model offers but don’t want to spend too much on it.